Shenzhen Stock Exchange

If you’ve spent years growing your portfolio, you may not want to completely liquidate your positions when you need cash. Plus, selling your shares for cash can cause you to miss out on the future prospects of the company.

Loans Against HXSHE & XSHG Trading Shares

If you are an investor who needs a loan, you can put the assets you already have to work. Here at Stock Loan Solutions, we offer stock loans against shares that trade on the HXSHE & XSHG. You can borrow against your portfolio and still own your shares.

Read on to learn more about the HXSHE & XSHG stock loan process and how our team can help you through it.

Schedule your 15-minute phone call with us today!

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

About HXSHE and XSHG

HXSHE and XSHG are the two stock exchanges located in mainland China. HXSHE is the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and XSHG is the Shanghai one. They were both founded in the early 1990s as a way to modernize China’s economy.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the larger of the two. It is the 4th largest stock market in the world. It lists high-performing companies like Citic Securities, Bank of China, PetroChina, and Ping An Insurance.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) operates the Shanghai exchange. XSHG is not completely open to foreign investors because of the Chinese mainland authorities’ restrictions set in place.

General Purpose Loan vs. Margin Loan

Our rates are very competitive compared to traditional margin loans!

$25K $50K $100K $500K
Stock Loan Solutions 10.000% 9.000% 8.000% 7.000%
E-Trade 13.700% 13.200% 12.700% 12.200%
Fidelity 13.075% 12.125% 12.075% 11.825%
Charles Schwab 13.075% 12.125% 12.075% 11.825%

History of HXSHE and XSHG

Though the Shenzhen exchange is smaller, it still boasts some impressive statistics. It’s the 4th largest market in Asia and the 8th largest market in the world. In 2009, HXSHE opened a subsidiary called the ChiNext board. This board is meant for high-tech startups that are experiencing a lot of growth.

About China

The People’s Republic of China, the third-largest country by area, is a country located in East Asia. It’s the world’s most populous country with an estimated 1.4 billion residents.

China is governed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and is responsible for 4 direct-controlled municipalities, 5 autonomous regions, and more than 22 provinces.

Mandarin is the most common language spoken in China. However, some citizens speak different variations of Chinese and Turkic, Austronesian, and other languages.

In the last 30 years, China has experienced rapid urbanization. More than 60% of the population currently lives in an urban area. Unsurprisingly, China has one of the world’s largest economies in terms of purchasing power and GDP. Its economy is highly diversified, as the country has a huge role in the textile, steel, manufacturing, electronics, banking, and green energy sectors. The country is the world’s second-largest importer of goods and the largest exporter of goods.

Interested in a Shenzhen stock loan?

Call us at +1 866-446-1009

Or email us at [email protected]

Check whether you qualify

Deals can be closed within 48 hours

Shenzhen Stock Loans Explained

A stock loan is a valuable tool that investors use to help pay off debt, cover expenses, or invest in new business ventures. The loan lets you maintain ownership of your shares, but you get to use a portion of their cash value. You’ll pay interest on the borrowed amount every quarter until you reach the end of your repayment period. Once your loan is completely paid off, we will transfer your stock back to you.

You only need to own HXSHE and XSHG shares with no trading restrictions to qualify for a stock loan. Here at Stock Loan Solutions, we also require that you request a minimum borrowing amount of $50,000.

Check out what to expect when you get one of our stock loans:

Competitive LTV Ratios

We consider basic factors like how many shares you have to determine your LTV (loan to value) ratio. However, we also take past performance and market conditions into account. As our client, you can expect to borrow between 45 to 60 percent of the market value of your shares.

No Credit Checks

Your loan is completely secured by your shares so we don’t perform credit checks.

Adaptable Terms

We offer 24, 36, and 60-month repayment terms to meet all of our clients’ unique needs and circumstances.

Quick Closing

We know how important it is for you to get quick access to your funds. We aim to get you your cash within 4-6 business days of being approved.

Complete Privacy

We use advanced encryption software to protect all of the data you provide us for each transaction.

Get in Touch to Learn More!

If you want to learn more about HXSHE and XSHG stock loans, get in touch today! We will schedule a 15-minute phone discussion with you and help you understand everything you need to know about your Shenzhen stock loan.

The information contained herein is presented solely for the purposes of discussion and under no circumstances should this be considered an offer to buy or a solicitation of an offer to sell any security. Stock Loan Solutions is not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or with any state securities regulatory authority. Stock Loan Solutions, its managers or affiliates have not been registered and do not plan to be registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or any similar state or foreign securities laws. Stock Loan Solutions is not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or under any similar state or international securities laws. Stock Loan Solutions does not offer any form of investment (buy or sell) advice, tax counseling, estate planning, or any other securities or financial advice whatsoever. No statements on this website or any verbal or written statement by any representative shall be construed as such advice. We are neither licensed nor qualified to provide investment advice.

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